Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week 1

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13

What a week!! God is good!! Thank you for your support and prayers!! It's exciting to see some of you out there wanting to jump on the wagon with me!! I support you 100%. That is an encouragement to me as well!!
I have to admit that this weekend did not go as I planned that's what happens when I try to plan things out..Although I did not exercise this weekend..I did eat healthy..for the most part....ok...what can I say..I am not perfect!! I am so glad that each day is a new day! I will say that I do feel better!
I went to an AA meeting the other day! For those of you who don't know I am a member of Alcoholics Anonymous! I have been sober 9yrs. The meeting topic was about what keeps you coming back to the meetings? I have to admit I haven't been attending meetings as much as I should and I know it is important to be at those meetings to help out another alcoholic! Well that night after the meeting this guy I have known for a while as an acquaintance asked me to sponsor him ...he has not been to a meeting in a long time...I invited him to go to a meeting on Saturday but he ended up having to work..but the door is opened!!
So not only am I a recovered alcoholic...I have had an addiction to cigarettes for sometime as well...this has been a long week of not smoking!! I picked up a 24 desire chip at my AA meeting...I plan on using the 12 steps to quit smoking as well! As said before God is good!
Today I joined Treasure Hills Presbyterian Church! That's right I said Presbyterian!! I have been attending this church for sometime and I really felt led to join!! They are an amazing congregation! I can't wait to really get involved ! I have been wandering around for some time!!
So that's it for now!! It's late and I need to get some rest!! God Bless!!

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